Come be a part of First, a vibrant church ministering in Midland! We would love to welcome you to First Methodist Midland. We have an active faith and an extremely active church that represents all ages. Come and join us!

How can I join First Methodist Church?

By Profession of Faith and Baptism
Begin your life of faith in Jesus Christ by receiving Christian baptism. Baptism is a symbol of God’s grace and a mark of your life as a Christian. It is an indication that you believe in Christ, want to be a part of His church, and intend to lead a new life as God enables you. To be baptized, contact one of the pastors who will be happy to set up a time to explain the meaning to you and schedule your baptism. Email us about baptisms.


By Transfer from another Church
We accept your Christian baptism from another denomination and do not require you to be re-baptized to join our church. We welcome you into our congregation as a full participating member. To join our congregation, come forward during the Closing Song of any of our Sunday services where a pastor will meet and receive you into membership. It is not mandatory that you come forward. If you prefer, find any of the pastors after worship and hand them your “Join Us” brochure and they will find time to visit with you and receive you into membership. While coming forward gives the congregation an opportunity to share this moment with you, your decision to belong is no less meaningful to you or God if you choose another way.)
Contact Pastor Steve Brooks for more information on joining our church.