How can I find out what’s going on at First Methodist Church?
Our calendar provides information on events at First Methodist Church. You can also receive updates on upcoming events, sermon series, and general happenings around the church in our Sunday worship bulletins, the Tower Times E-Newsletter, and Facebook pages.
How do I get involved with choir or other musical groups?
We welcome all individuals who have a passion and talent for music and the worship arts. To find out more information on how to join one of our choirs or ensembles or help with other music programs, please contact one of our music staff members or visit the Worship Arts page.
Do you offer transportation services to worship?
Yes, we would be happy to assist you in arriving to and returning home from worship on Sunday mornings. Please call the church office (432-682-3701) by 2 p.m. Thursday to schedule your ride for Sunday morning.
I have children. Where can they go during Sunday Services?
You can find out more information about worship opportunities for children on our Children’s Ministries page. The Sanctuary balcony is also equipped with a “Cry-Room” that any parents of infants can utilize if they would like a little more privacy while still being able to observe the worship service. For nursing mothers, private nursing rooms are available in the church nursery.
What do I wear to Sunday Services?
We do not have a dress code policy, so wear whatever you’d like! In Traditional Worship, visitors tend to wear their “Sunday Best”. Men typically wear slacks, button down shirt, and a sport coat whereas women often wear dresses or slacks with a blouse. Modern Worship tends to be a little more casual! You’ll see some visitors wearing their “Sunday Best” while others may wear their comfiest jeans.
How can I get involved at First Methodist Church
There are many exciting opportunities for involvement ranging volunteer positions to music and missions. Whether you are a member or not, we would love to have you here! For more information, visit our Connect and Outreach pages! There are opportunities for everyone in your family!
How do I get involved with Sunday School classes?
We offer Sunday School for all age groups. Please visit our Sunday School page for more information.
I get lost in the building. Do you have a map?
Maps are posted throughout the building, but you may also pick up a floor plan from the front desk in the office.
Can I rent a room at the church for an event?
Yes. We love having events here. Just call the church office at 432.682.3701 to check on room availability and schedules. You may also contact Kara Harris.
What about weddings, baptisms, and funerals?
We would be happy to answer your questions about the array of pastoral functions offered for members and non-members. Please call the church for more information at (432)682-3701 or refer to the respective webpages.