Young Adult
The Fishermen
(Older Children)
Faith Walk, and Joan Weir
Senior Adult
Partners with Christ
Community of Joy, Experiencing Faith, Partners with Christ, and Seekers
Community of Joy, Faith Walk, Joan Weir, and Seekers
Experiencing Faith, Joan Weir, and Seekers
Community of Joy Room 201
Community of Joy consists of singles and couples, ranging in ages from 50’s to 70’s. The studies are generally video-based and alternate between Bible Focus and Christian Life. A DVD and Study Guide is used which generates much discussion. Each lesson typically lasts 5-8 weeks and is chosen by the class using material from the church library. Outside of class, they enjoy gathering together for fellowship. The one thing that stands out about the COJ class is that even though the membership is small (17-19), it is not unusual for there to be 15-16 people attending on any given Sunday. The class is casual, informal and friendly – all are welcome to attend!
Developing Disciples Room 225
Developing Disciples is a class primarily for parents elementary-age kids that are looking to build connections with other families through studying the Word of God together. We will dig deep into the Bible every week so that we are better equipped to love God and neighbor, guide our children, and spread the good news throughout our community.
Experiencing Faith Room 230
Experiencing Faith is a class of adults, many of whom have school-age children. Each week, we take the passage of the Bible from the morning’s sermon and read together the longer block of Scripture (usually 3-5 chapters) of which it is part, followed by brief discussion and prayer.
Average attendance 10-15
Faith Walk welcomes all who want to learn God’s Word and give support to each other inside and outside of class. Faithwalk is made up of couples and singles in their 40s, 50s, and 60s. They enjoy spirited discussion and great fellowship.
Attendance: 12-20.
The Fishermen Room 118
The Fisherman Sunday School Class consists of young parents at First Methodist. As the name implies, the group strives for community involvement and volunteer efforts to be “fishers of men” in the Permian Basin. The group studies typically involve literature or videos surrounding growing in their faith as well as raising children in today’s challenging climate for Christianity.
The Joan Weir class consists of couples and singles with children in college and older. The age range of class members is 60+ years old. The class members take turns teaching from a variety of Biblical resources and leading class discussion. They support charitable and church-wide projects. The class is a very loving, welcoming, caring, and fun group of people.
Pathfinders has a mixture of ages, and all are welcome. If you are interested in studying scripture, truly studying God’s Word, then this is the class for you. There is no other curriculum than the written word of the Bible. Everyone is encouraged to bring their Bible and be ready to discuss what God’s Word says to each of us.
Attendance: 10-15
Seekers Room 228
Seekers are singles and couples ranging in age. They pray, learn, laugh, cry and socialize together as they study the Old and New Testaments, life issues, discipleship, and spirituality. They love to get together for fellowship and coordinate activities such as group meals and women’s socials. Together, the class supports several outreach activities and church ministries.
Attendance: 15-20