Growth Group Homework Week 2 of November

Week 2 of November

Getting to Know You

  1. Do you think Edward Snowden is a traitor?  Does it matter that he believed he was helping his country?  Would you ever trust him again?  What would you have done in his position?   Is treason ever justified?
  2. What is the greatest act of betrayal you have ever known?  
  3. What is the hardest thing you have ever forgiven?
  4. Does forgiving someone free you from the pain of betrayal or make you venerable again?    

Digging Deeper

Read Matthew 26:31-35 and then 69-74

Verses 26:31-35

  1. Why would He declare they are going to betray Him?  What was Jesus’ aim for warning the Disciples?  What is Peter’s reaction? Is he being sincere?
  2. What does Jesus think about Peter’s declaration? 
  3. What do you think God feels about promises we make that He knows we will never keep?

Verses 26:69-74

  1. Why does Peter lose his nerve in front of the servant girls? What good could he have done?
  2. Were Jesus’ words about the rooster helpful? Were they meant to be?


Read John 21:4-19

  1. Where have the Disciples gone?  What does that mean?
  2. What is Jesus doing on the shore?  Why would that be important?
  3. What does Jesus ask Peter?  Why does Jesus ask three times?
  4. What is Peter to do?  How?
  5. Where was Judas?  Would Jesus have asked him the same questions?

Take It Home

If you had been Jesus would you have forgiven Peter?  Who was the real Peter?  The Peter who denied Jesus or the one who spread the Gospel?  What difference did Jesus’ forgiveness make in Peter’s life?  What difference does it make in yours?