Growth Group Homework – Spring 2016 – Week 4

Getting to Know You  

  1. What was your favorite animal at the zoo as a child?  Now?
  2. What piece of clothing have you had the longest?
  3. As a child, what did you think a “religious” person looked like? 


Going Deeper

Read 1 Corinthians 12.

  1. How is the church like a “body” according to this week’s scripture? 
  2. What does it mean for Christ to be the “head” of the body? 


Read Philippians 2:5-7. 

  1. What is meant by the phrase, “emptied himself”?
  2. In your experience as a Christian, what has it cost you?  What have you sacrificed?


Read Luke 10:25-37. 

  1. What is Jesus trying to teach?  What does Jesus mean when he uses the word “mercy”?  Define mercy.  When have you seen mercy in action?  When have you been a recipient of mercy?
  2. How might servanthood be a form of evangelism?
  3. What meaning does being a disciple provide for your life?  Were you ever “lost?”


Read Ephesians 4:12.

  1. How do spiritual gifts relate to serving? 
  2. Who do you look to as a mentor in the area of servanthood?
  3. What actions of service are you now involved in? 


Take it home

  1. What one person will you be a “Samaritan” to this week?  How?
  2. In what way are you connected to the body of Christ, our church?
  3. If you have not returned your “Get Connected” form, do that—or you can do it online.