The family and friends of Jeanne Beach upon her death.
November 2021
The family and friends of Shirley Ireland upon her death.
The Cole family upon the death of Loyce Cole.
The family and friends of Jonny Carter upon his death.
Wanda Harris and family upon the death of her husband, Billy Harris.
October 2021
Rayford Calhoun upon the death of his wife, Dolly.
Price Robinson and family upon the death of his father, Carl.
James and Dana Hedrick upon the death of James’ mother, Joanne Hedrick.
September 2021
The Miller and Creswell family upon the death of Lori’s mother, Rita Fort.
The Wyman family upon the death of Dana’s mother, Barbara Creekmore.
June 2021
Tom and Carol Chandler upon the death of their son, Daniel.
The Garza family upon the death of Beth’s grandmother, Bonnie Seago.
Mark Edgar and family upon the death of his father.
Natalie Eustace and family upon the death of her mother.
Judy Martin upon the death of her husband, Bud Martin.
Marilyn Harrison upon the death of her husband, Harry Harrison.
April 2021
Becca Williams and family on the death of her grandmother, Sue Potter.
Jeremy Bishop and family on the death of his grandfather, Herber Vogel.
The Evans and Moon families upon the death of Susie Evans.
The Wes and Gail Strain family upon the death of his mother, Sallie Strain.
Annette Casey upon the death of her grandson, Joshua Casey.
March 2021
The family and friends of Wallce Sparkman upon his death.
The Boothe family upon the death of Bob Boothe.
Annette Casey upon the death of her husband, John.
Annette Casey upon the death of her husband, John.
Lynda and Duane Johnson upon the death of Lynda’s father, Boone.
The Barrett family upon the death of Shirley Barrett.
February 2021
The Creech family upon the death of Carol’s mother, Patsy Williams.
The First Methodist Church Family upon the death of Walter Feaster.